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Gana Gig shrieks in frustration and horror as she falls...
A powerful kick, and... splat!
A finely detailed mini of Faury Maya from Shadow Skill.

A finely detailed mini of Faury Maya from Shadow Skill.
Sequence: B11 End
Layers: 1
Sketch: 1 Matching
Background: None

Shadow Skill (3)
Faurink Mayer, the Plasmatizer, one of Elle Ragu's constant companions. It seems that back before Elle got famous as the 59th Sevaar, Faury's father was murdered - and as Elle, one of the most powerful warriors imaginable, was in the vicinity, Faury assumed that Elle was the murderer. She has followed Elle ever since, at first bent on revenge for her father's untimely demise... Faury's one of the most poorly-used characters ever, which is such a shame.

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.